We believe that man should be an integral part of the natural dynamics.
Get the products of the earth in a sustainable way and without the use of chemicals is, therefore, of our daily challenges.
With this objective, we decided in 2016 to start a path to recovery about 10 ha, olive grove abandoned consist mainly of till of Dolce Agogiain which we have activated the certification path organic Extra Virgin Olive oil through the institute for Ethical and Environmental Certification ICEA.

The company has land for the collection of wild fruits and flowersin addition to portions cultivated for the recovery of old varieties of fruits and vegetables organic for both summer and winter.
Aware of the importance of insect pollinators, in 2017, we also introduced a small apiary currently composed from 10 families, who, in the years particularly productive offers us a precious honey of the flora that characterizes the territory next to the company.
Among the available products you can try then extra virgin olive oil, jams, syrups, fresh products and honey of our api.
Through labels, made by Lorenzo Starnini an extraordinary designer, naturalist, all of our products come packaged tells a story: that of the bird, the hawfinch that during the winter it finds nourishment in the berries of rose hips from which we obtain a creamy jam; or that of the ladybug by seven points that eats the aphids that attack tomatoes in our garden or the bombo an important pollinator that he attended the acacia/acacia from which we get one of our syrups, aromatic and refreshing.
Our vegetable garden instead, he wants to tell through the products of the season, with an intense taste and aroma of authentic, the importance of traditional agriculture, local products, of the times of transformation and maturation in harmony with those of nature, of the application of the natural methods of fighting agronomic to create the optimal conditions for the growth of our business products and facilitate the defense of any pests and diseases.
So do not be surprised if in our garden you will find nest boxes for birds and bats, to the hotel for beneficial insects in agriculture, or ash to restrict the entry of snails... SEE YOU THERE!